Maharashtra Transport Minister Diwakar Raote has given nod to a proposal for a railway terminus at Sawantwadi in the coastal Sindhudurg district. The proposal would now be forwarded to the Railway Ministry, Raote said in Mumbai on Wednesday.
The state government has also sanctioned Rs 21.20 crore for constructing the necessary infrastructure at Sawantwadi.
The previous government had given sanction for terminus at Madure near Sawantwadi, but Raote has cleared the proposal for Sawantwadi itself.
Source: DNA India
The state government has also sanctioned Rs 21.20 crore for constructing the necessary infrastructure at Sawantwadi.
The previous government had given sanction for terminus at Madure near Sawantwadi, but Raote has cleared the proposal for Sawantwadi itself.
Source: DNA India
Maharashtra: State Proposes Railway Terminus at Sawantwadi in Sidhudurg